Friday, January 22, 2010

Piercing Studios Do Most Piercing Studios Offer Numbing Creams And Anesthesia?

Do most piercing studios offer numbing creams and anesthesia? - piercing studios

I always thought my septum pierced and I heard it was good, no pain and excrutiating pain. On a scale of 1-10, it is wrong, on average (because I know that everyone is different tolerance to pain).

I really want to, but I'm a bit cowardly when it comes to pain, I just want an idea of how Vaughan will. Thank you:]


  1. I Pierce.
    And I have my own partition.
    I have no problem with pain, but I was afraid of my septum.
    I anesthetic cream, and I was fine:] You feel nothing at all. Before the piercing studio to buy numbing cream, and invest much time before your departure. That's what you need to buy!
    You can do it at Wal-Mart, Target, Drug Mart, and everywhere. May approximately $ 3 $ -6
    But worth it!

  2. I've never been in one place, a numbing cream or something, lol provides. Not having you punch. I have my septum pierced, I had not the nose (nose) and exceeded that bad. Only a pop and it's over. It hurts the next day because I forgot and grabbed my nose when I woke up in the morning.

  3. no. Drugs can even aspirin can cause intense bleeding.

    These guys are not doctors, not the practice of medicine without a license.

  4. God, if something takes for the partition does not understand that one at all. jesus
